Kayaking and camping in the Sea of Cortez
After a couple days in Loreto whale watching and general touring, we prepared to launch. We had about 2 1/2 hour paddle ahead of us in the Sea of Cortez.
Sue & Clar, Butch and Diane, Nancy & Bob
We launched our kayaks and paddled to Danzante Island about 4 miles away. Butch and I, and our friends from Tucson, paddled in doubles. Our more experienced friends, Sue & Clar, used singles. We were bucking a head wind and struggling to get our stroke worked out, when all of a sudden a very large group of bottlenose dolphins appeared. They had two babies with them and hung around feeding for quite a while. (Didn't get a good picture.)
This is typical of the scenery we enjoyed for the next 4 days. We paddled in the Sea of Cortez, spending two nights on Danzante Island. The 6,000 ft high Sierra de la Gigantas were west on the Baja, and various islands dotted the sea all around us. The mainland of Mexico was too far away to see.
View of the beach of one of our camps.
Sue's doing some wading.
Getting ready to launch on our second day. From left to right, Edgar and Jeremy, our guides, Butch, Bob, Nanc, Diane & Clar. Sue's taking the picture.
A leisurely paddle on our way to Honeymoon beach. Bob & Nanc in front of a mangrove.
Honeymoon beach where we spent a day snorkeling and hiking.
We saw a lot of osprey. They build big nests and add to them each year. We also saw a lot of pelicans, frigates and turkey vultures.
Our canopied happy hour area!
Full moon rising over the cliff above camp.
Our last day we were all a bit overwhelmed by our return paddle. There were some wild winds we were facing and we were all a bit tired. We had no problem accepting a change in itinerary and "riding" back!

This was dinner after our few days in the wild. We're all cleaned up and feelin' good. Jeremy and Edgar, our guides, joined us later in the evening, which was really nice to have a chance to say goodbye to them. They were both special people and felt like friends.